How do u get a shadow lugia in pokemon diamond cheat code

Pokémon Diamond Cheats (DS Cheats).

Pokemon Bloody Platinum, where to catch all starters, and a look at shadow lugia. go to verity lake to catch all starters. Download Link: http://www
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Answer (1 of 127): GavinLiFirstly well done for beating red. Many believe this spells the end of the game but this is not the truth. There are several stages left
Pokémon Diamond Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords, commands, tricks, tips, lists (DS version)
If you had: the GBA, Gamecube, GBA-Gamecube connector thing, Gale of Darkness, Pokemon ruby, DS, Pokemon diamond/pearl, and A friend with a Ds; You can do some
How do u get a shadow lugia in pokemon diamond cheat code
Pokemon Platinum, Shadow Lugia. - - Der Spielechat von
POKEMON Ruby Destiny - Reign Of Legends.
POKEMON Ruby Destiny - Reign Of Legends.
how to get shadow lugia - Pokemon Soul.
How do u get a shadow lugia in pokemon diamond cheat code
Pokémon Diamond Cheats (DS Cheats).
how to get shadow lugia - Pokemon Soul.
Shadow Lugia - Pokemon Soul Silver.
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if you SEE (you do not have to catch) all pokemon,then trade the three following pokemon:Zapdos,Articuno and moltres,and then talk to a woman outside of the trainer
wait so, if u get the 7th badge 1st before starting the LC event, you can't progress?

How To Capture Any Pokemon In Pokemon.
can someone tell me how to get shadow lugia without action replay or any other cheating device - Pokemon Soul Silver Questions, Nintendo DS. . - Plus great forums .